About us

The Direct Report is an unbiased report of the world’s biggest issues, from economic to cultural change. It’s our aim to focus entirely on facts, which are based on the most highly credible sources, including:

Truth Matters

The truth might not always be what you want to hear.

Many of us have become so used to pushing our own agendas for the sake of our passions, that we have prioritized our personal objectives over seeking the truth.

But it’s very important to us that the truth is told. We have no agenda, other than for the world to know the truth — and not a distorted, prejudiced or intentionally manipulative arrangement of the truth. Just the truth.

The truth can sometimes be hard to swallow, but it must be heard.

Report an error on The Direct Report

Though it is our intention to only tell the truth, we are only human and humans make mistakes. If you see an error in one of the reports on The Direct Report, please let us know.